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Friday Night Funkin' VR

Project Lead, Main Programmer
17 months (4/21-9/22)
Project Type
VR DDR-esque rhythm game

Independent project

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with The Funkin' Crew Inc.

Friday Night Funkin' VR is a fan-made VR recreation of the upcoming indie rhythm game Friday Night Funkin'. As Boyfriend, you challenge various opponents to a rap battle to keep them from messing with your girlfriend, Girlfriend. You hit arrows to match Boyfriend's notes in a DDR-esque manner, using your hands in VR instead of a keyboard or controller.

  • I recreated the original game from the ground up to be able to do this. The original framework the game is built upon, HaxeFlixel, is meant for 2D games only.

  • I developed an original implementation of a "conductor," or a system that keeps track of and emits events based on the BPM of a music track.

    • After the project was done, I spun this into an addon that will be open-source for anyone to use and improve.

  • Via releasing it to social media early on and gaining traction on TikTok and YouTube, I was able to rapidly iterate on the game to adapt the controls of the game into something that made sense for more people.

  • This was one of my first VR projects! Developing for VR takes an entirely different design skillset, as adapting to a free-moving camera and positional controllers takes a lot of thought and playtesting. It also takes a large amount of endurance, as the friction of testing with a VR headset cannot be understated. Even so, I can't wait to develop more compelling titles for the platform, and for VR headsets to become more convenient to use.

  • This was the first time a project of mine went viral on the internet. That was both cool and scary. It helped me meet people who could help me advance the project further than I could have imagined, and some new friends for the long run. It even got me in touch with the Godot developers. For all the opportunities this project gave me, I am incredibly thankful!

  • Developing live with an audience who can give feedback in real-time is both incredibly useful and incredibly daunting. Managing a community, via Discord, social media, etc., is a ton of work on top of making a game. In the future, I would definitely want help with this, as while I think I could do it on my own, it would be way easier with someone who know what they're doing.

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